Investment Trek:
Investing Around the
World in 100 Days
Come with us over 100 days, 24 countries, 70,000 miles, and dozens of high-level investment and economic meetings... all leading to a deeper understanding of international markets and global investment opportunities.
Skate to Where the Puck is Going To Be
Over the next decade, the manner in which the financial industry invests in international equities will change more than any other asset class. As Wayne Gretzky famously noted, “I skate to where the puck is going to be.” The investment puck is going international, and both opportunities and risks will abound. Read more about our thoughts on the future of international investing here.
Even a core U.S. portfolio will increasingly be influenced by global conditions. A U.S. investment core must be complimented by a growing international allocation. However, a general, international allocation will not do. This international allocation should be deliberate in what it includes and excludes, and it should adapt as political, economic, and market conditions change.
The Journey
Days 1-4: Japan
Days 5-7: South Korea
Days 8-12: China
Days 13-17: India
Days 18-21: France
Days 22-25: U.K.
Days 26-30: Israel
Days 31-34: Turkey
Days 35-38: Germany
Days 39-43: Brazil
Days 48-58: Australia
Days 59-61: Indonesia
Days 62-64: Singapore
Days 65-68: Malaysia
Days 69-72: India
Days 73-76: Egypt
Days 77-79: Italy
Days 80-81: Germany
Days 82-83: Austria
Days 84-85: Switzerland
Days 86-89: France
Days 90-93: Mexico
Days 97-98: Canada
Days 99-100: U.S.A.
We see unique opportunities in international investing, including strategies that focus on:
International Factor Rotation (i.e., Low Volatility and High Beta)
International Sector Rotation
Country Rotation
Learn more about Lunt Capital's global investment strategies →
Think Locally as We Invest Globally
At Lunt Capital, we strive to understand international markets from the point of view of those that live and work in those international markets. We sincerely believe in the value of perspective and context when it comes to international investing. We believe that a “local view” will help us to build and to manage better international portfolios. Our desire to “think locally as we invest globally” led to the idea of Investment Trek.
Over the course of 100 days, Lunt Capital’s management team circled the global…twice. During the course of our Investment Trek, we participated in over 60 meetings with key investment industry leaders, research firms, and government officials. Here is a sample of meetings during our Investment Trek:
Central Banks - Bank of Japan, Bank of France, Germany's BundesBank, Reserve Bank of Australia, Monetary Authority of Singapore
Stock Exchanges – Bombay Stock Exchange, EuroNext, Bursa Istanbul, Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, Bursa Malaysia
ETF Providers & Fund Managers - Invesco PowerShares, iShares Blackrock, State Street Global Advisors
Index & Data Providers - S&P Dow Jones, MSCI
Think Tanks & Industry Experts – India’s Gateway House, DZH Financial Research